We went to Ancira RV in Boerne, Texas

We are getting much closer to making a decision on which RV to buy. This past Saturday, we went over to Ancira RV, in Boerne (pronounced “Bernie”), Texas, just outside of San Antonio, to take a look at a couple of their 2017 Newmar models. We want to have those models fresh in our minds, as the 2018s start hitting RV dealership lots, so we can more easily spot the differences.

It was raining heavily, when we arrived, but the rain subsided to a very, very light shower, shortly after we arrived. The end result was that it was a lot cooler, walking around the lot than we had expected.

We talked to Griz, who was very helpful and very knowledgable. I thought he was just a little opinionated. But in his case, that was a plus. After all, I’ve always felt that being opinionated is only a bad thing, when you’re wrong. In his case, his strongly held opinions only helped to confirm what I had already determined to be factual. Griz went out of his way, to help us, even though he knew that we were not planning on buying that day. I hope that when the time comes, we’ll be able to make our purchase through him.

At this time, we are leaning slightly toward the 2017s. But that could change, once we actually walk through a couple of 2018s.