Becky and I will be attending the world’s largest all indoor RV and Motorhome show some time this weekend. We have not set an exact time. We want to make sure that whenever we go, all of the manufacturer reps are on hand.
If you have never been to the Houston RV and Motorhome Show, then watch the video that I’ll post, after we return. I think the only major production motorhome brand that will not be represented will be Entegra, since we don’t have an Entegra dealer in Houston. That’s too bad, because we would like to have been able to go back and forth between Entegra and Newmar, comparing the two in fine detail.
Expect the video to be very professional looking, since I’ll be using my Zhiyun Smooth-II 3-axis iPhone gimbal. The thing is awesome. OK. I admit that what I produce won’t be Hollywood style. But the gimbal produces remarkably stable videos. I’ll be using it with two 14 inch extension poles, so I’ll be able to get shots more than three feet above the crowds. I’ll try to capture the enormity of the show.
We will be focusing mostly on Newmar and Tiffin, at this show, but we’ll check out everything, even the booths. We are close enough to a decision that this could wrap it up for us. On the other hand, I still might allow my OCD to run amok for another month or two. There is one thing for certain. We won’t look back in a few months, after buying our motorhome, and say, “I wish we had done xxx , got yyy , or known about zzz .” We will have done our homework.